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 on: Yesterday at 11:12:42 AM 
Started by spy69xxx - Last post by spy69xxx
NoteI like check products

 on: February 01, 2025, 07:27:30 19:27 
Started by Vineyards - Last post by digitalmg
Open Source SMT pick and place system is the best for what you want:

 on: February 01, 2025, 03:52:21 15:52 
Started by Vineyards - Last post by Vineyards
I'm thinking of converting my Chinese cnc (3020) into a pick and place machine for hobby work. Has anyone worked on a similar project. I obviously need a compressor of some sorts and the pneumatic lines etc. Any suggestions about this?

 on: January 31, 2025, 02:55:22 14:55 
Started by sadman - Last post by nagkiller
For me too!

Today is normalized!

 on: January 31, 2025, 09:05:54 09:05 
Started by sadman - Last post by sadman
from last seven days site give error exceed band width limit and web page doesnot open from now it start working is any thing wrong with the forum.


 on: January 21, 2025, 04:17:50 04:17 
Started by Top - Last post by patchjack
XC-DSC V3.20 compiler error. It may not affect you either.

 on: January 20, 2025, 06:08:26 18:08 
Started by metal - Last post by giappolo
If you have problem to patch xc8, read this

There is no need, just do the following and it should work OK:
befor you start, go to project options menu XC8 compiler, set drop down menu to Optimization.

set menu Optimization leve to >> s <<

when you compile you should see messages that say : max optimization is level 2 from MPLAB advisor or somethink like that.
how to set max level mode optimizations:
open cmd in admin mode.

open file explorer and make file view extensions in settings of file explorer to see file extensions.

rename in file explorer original xclm.exe into xclm.old inside in folder "C:\Program Files\Microchip\xc8\v2.35\bin".

Copy cracked xclm.exe to "C:\Program Files\Microchip\xc8\v2.35\bin".

Copy second time same cracked files xclm.exe and xclm.old in to one folder back from /bin folder
>> two files second copy and past xclm.exe and xclm.old in to "C:\Program Files\Microchip\xc8\v2.35"

Open a cmd as ADMIN !!!! important !!! in this location: "C:\Program Files\Microchip\xc8\v2.35", and run xclm.exe

wait to extract the files.

start mplab and go to project options menu XC8 compiler, set drop down menu to Optimization.

set menu Optimization leve to >> s <<

hit Apply and OK.

when you compiling project is finish need to NOT get messages from MPLAB advisor for level of optimization. that mean you make it right update to max optimizations. IF your project is compiled ok, BUT you still have message for max level optimization = level 2 or any wrong message = red letters, need to reinstall XC8_v2.35 and do it again

if you do not want some variables and or other data in your code to NOT BE OPTIMIZED use infront ot variable
this word >>> volatile infront of unsigned char or other code where is not wrong.
example >>

volatile unsigned char temp = 20;
volatile unsigned int speed = 1200;
volatile unsigned double max_turn = 12000;

that's it.

 on: January 19, 2025, 11:51:05 11:51 
Started by Top - Last post by Roman
Still, first of all, you need to choose a microcontroller for your task, for example, why do you need a 32-bit controller for a voltmeter or a blinker for several LEDs.

 on: January 19, 2025, 10:42:35 10:42 
Started by Top - Last post by bobcat1
Sorry , I don't agree that user rush to use 32 bit due to lower cost,
32 bit microcontroller can have far more memory in compare to 8 bit , 32 bit microcontroller can preform DSP and AI processing far more batter then 8 bit micro , 32 bit micro are faster & lower current consumption and use advanced manufacturing process who lower the cost.
Of course, if you only blink a LED and detect switch on/off in your design - there is nothing to compare
But there is a big difference when coding OFDM, 4FSK, QAM , GENAI etc ... using 32 bit micro - an impossible mission for 8 bit micro....

All the best


 on: January 19, 2025, 10:28:45 10:28 
Started by Top - Last post by Roman
Well, how did they go out of fashion, simple new 8-bit pic18f47k-q work no worse than stm32, there is DMA, CLC and other goodies. 32-bit pics work at frequencies above 200 MHz, and also have a multi-core structure. Here the question is more about the price and availability of libraries.

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