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Author Topic: Lurkers - good or bad?  (Read 5499 times)
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« on: December 17, 2007, 07:18:56 19:18 »

Hi everyone!

I use this forum now and then. Mostly if I want to try out some new software, but on occasion when I need input on some programming issues. Most of the time, I can pretty much find what I'm looking for, which is a really big help, other times I don't find it. That's how it is and what I expect.
This is not the forum where I put the majority of my posts  Roll Eyes but every now and then I do post.
I even suspect that my posting interval qualifies me as a lurker...

As the new rules are a bit harder on people like me, I question if it's the right tactics?

In general, lurkers often have a fair share of knowledge/resources, but are afraid of a possible 'attack' from other members over their input. It might not be a 'YOU STUPID MORON'-response, but a mere questioning of the post!
I know all too many people that have been put off by even gentle remarks from other members, and since didn't want to go back.
Be gentle to members with low post count, and they might soon be top posters.

Of course I understand this specific forums dilemma, where every 'silent' member is a potential copyright infringement monitor, and that active members are better than silent members, but does that mean that people who seldom post should have the accounts closed?

Just curious.

First post on re-registered account...
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« Reply #1 on: January 08, 2008, 04:04:41 16:04 »

I think the rules are not very good.

They are made to stop people who take, but now giving back. A very good point, but some people don't have much to give before they get something first.

My account got deleted, and lucky for me, I could re-register. I only took (downloading programs) and actually never gave back. But I came here because I couldn't find the things I needed elsewhere. So I had nothing to give. Now I have to write posts to see the download links. So I'll do that. But I don't want to write spam posts, so I take my time and write good posts. And actually this is helpful for others, because I'll take my time to answers posts where I can give a good answer. I guess the people who posts the software I need, also took their time to find it and then posting it. On this point, the rules are great.

I guess I could post some of my projects here, when they are done. That would be giving if the documentation is good. But most of my projects are never finished before I start on something new.

I'm not afraid of posting, so I'll give everything I can from now on. I hope this is satisfying enough for the administrators because this is actually a great place to find stuff not found elsewhere.

But what happens if I don't post for a long time because I'm working on one of my projects so it will be done so I can post it here to give? Will I be marked as inactive again? I hope not.
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« Reply #2 on: January 08, 2008, 04:35:14 16:35 »

It really is a simple system...give and take....if you have nothing to contribute you really shouldn't be here...if you don't know anything then you ask questions...if you know everything then you post answers. If you have useful programs then you post a link. It's a good way to do things...there is no excuse not to log onto the site every week or so to remain active.
« Reply #3 on: January 13, 2008, 04:48:57 04:48 »

It's a great place for electronics engineering students to share ideas on their final projects, and also obtain the software needed. I suppose to keep the forum alive it needs regular posting members, if not the forums will remain idle with no new content being added into the mix, thus just becoming a forum for people to pick up what they want from the pool of resources and never come back again.
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There is no evidence that I muted SoNsIvRi

« Reply #4 on: November 29, 2018, 09:37:17 09:37 »

Hi everyone!

I use this forum now and then. Mostly if I want to try out some new software, but on occasion when I need input on some programming issues. Most of the time, I can pretty much find what I'm looking for, which is a really big help, other times I don't find it. That's how it is and what I expect.
This is not the forum where I put the majority of my posts  Roll Eyes but every now and then I do post.
I even suspect that my posting interval qualifies me as a lurker...

As the new rules are a bit harder on people like me, I question if it's the right tactics?

In general, lurkers often have a fair share of knowledge/resources, but are afraid of a possible 'attack' from other members over their input. It might not be a 'YOU STUPID MORON'-response, but a mere questioning of the post!
I know all too many people that have been put off by even gentle remarks from other members, and since didn't want to go back.
Be gentle to members with low post count, and they might soon be top posters.

Of course I understand this specific forums dilemma, where every 'silent' member is a potential copyright infringement monitor, and that active members are better than silent members, but does that mean that people who seldom post should have the accounts closed?

Just curious.

First post on re-registered account...

so funny I read this. and now 10 years on, you still don't get the meaning of the word Forum.

February 17, 2008 was your last post.

Note: I stoped Muteing bad members OK I now put thier account in sleep mode
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