A few day ago, I happily decided to buy another wifi module, and being heard too much nodemcu and LUA, and being so stupid, I bought one of those, a
Nodemcu with LUA ESP8266 programmable. (and because of its price, of course). I havenŽt got it yet (probably near the end of the next week, thank you Easter..

), but I decided to become serious, and... Surprise!!!! Docs says that I have to learn a script language named LUA, made by some guys from Brazil...
Sincerely, I understand why they created a script language... but IŽm not ready to spend time in another new script language... IŽm too old and lazy for that (means that if I have to do this IŽll curse the module, the chip, the script language, and my self stupidity, and still cursing, IŽll start to learn LUA).
But, of course, if anyone know the way to modify that firmware to avoid using LUA and only work with pure C functions and libraries, will make me really happy.
The trap was the availability of the direct USB programming through an USB cable and a CH340 chip. And my lazyness in checking info before buy something...