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Author Sticky post (Click Here to visit source)
600 bulb Pixel LED project with GUI Software
An average person without any knowledge of flash and animation can work stunning designs using this simple and easy to work software interface for pixel LED's like WS2811, 1903, etc. Matrix of any size can be designed with maximum of 600 bulbs. Up to 30 eye catching designs with more than 16 different transition effects can be programmed.  Versions of software included in the project 600v2.1, 600v3, and Newly released 600v4 with 800 bulb design capacity. High resolution schematic included to ease any fault finding and PCB designing

Installation method and licensing:
Once the software is opened, click on "MachineID" found on the extreme right of the top toolbar. A unique ID will be generated. Post the same here in the forum (in plain text and not as attachment) to
get a licence from Ahmad_k moderator. Please do not post Private messages to share the Keygen or Licenses in private.
Once the correct serial number is entered, click "OK" and close the software. Re-open it and see it works as full version. Any version of the software will work with same key provided it runs on same machine on which it is registered. Once you enter the valid serial number, "Licence.lic" file will be found in the main folder. You can copy the same license to the folders of other versions to make it work.

1200 bulb Pixel LED project with GUI Software
After a we had some demands in advance for the 1200 pixel software here is the full package for the Project. Download the full folder and go through the "Read me" file before you start anything. More details about the project and other files are given about what and how. 1200v5 SysInfo.exe is an application to get started. Double click to run this application. and click "Generate" a file named "HardwareID.txt" will be created in the same folder. Post it as an direct attachment (Not a Link) in the project thread with a  request to get a license from Ahmed_k moderator. In return a "license.lic" file will be given by which placing inside the main folder along with the 1200V5. exe will work as full version.  

NOTE:  Please put your MachineID in plain text in the request post. There is no need to attach it

200 bulb Pixel Belt project with GUI Software
This software is similar the 600 bulb software but instead of a matrix, this software is cable of designing designs and animation only on a a single thread / belt of Pixel LED's. High resolution schematic included to ease any fault finding and PCB designing
Installation method and licensing:
Exactly same as 600bulb software. But you need to get a licence from Ahmed_K Moderator to run it. As previously said, post your Machine ID related to this software in plain text and not as an attachment.

5000 bulb Pixel LED project with GUI Software
Initially me and some of my friends had a strong doubt about this project as it uses only one Atmega8 with a Flash chip and claims about driving 5000 Pixel LEDs. So it took time while i gave the software to some practical users in the lighting decoration field and the software is now practically tested to drive 4000+ leds in real. Two software's can be found in the folder. One is the interface to design any patterns which works without any permissions. The second one is a code generator which imports the Project file generated by the design software and generates a BIN file which is then programmed in the Atmega8 and the Flash chip. You can chose to have any flash chip from 8Mb to 128mb depending on the designs you need. Once you load the project file, click "Generate Bin for the Flash" and then "Generate BIN for the Atmega8" and program both. For getting a license file, post your machineID in the open thread below with a request to Ahmad_k

1800v1.3 Pixel LED GUI Software with 1800 Pixel bulbs Capacity. Uses Single Atmega328 microcontroller. Schematic and PCB exacty same as 600V4.  Just use Atmega328 in place of Atmega8. Licencing same as 1200v5. Generate and attach link.

5000V2.4 Pixel LED GUI Software with 5000 Pixel Bulbs capacity. Added dimming feature for output. More animations, Single GUI interface, Manual Layout, Accepts SWF, animated GIF and screen capture  functions. Licencing same as 1200v5. Generate and attach link. Uses Single Atmega8 with Flash chips from 8mb to 128Mb. Single controller and Manual layout functions working. Neutral cut and block connection options yet to be activated by the original author.

For those who have taken licenses and are keen to learn how to work and make designs, and programming, i have included links related to videos which explain the same. Note: These are not my videos / uploads.

Licence Eligibility: Junior members and above levels only. Other requests will be deleted.
« Last Edit: April 28, 2020, 04:19:18 16:19 by pushycat »
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« Reply #75 on: April 10, 2020, 06:59:05 06:59 »

Request for Ahmed_K:

200 Machine ID: 892270-335554-174001-468578-106704

600 Machine ID: 892270-335554-174001-468578-106704

1200 Machine ID: NonePCI\VEN_15AD&DEV_0405&SUBSYS_040515AD&REV_00\3&61AAA01&0&78

5000 Machine ID: 290576-101313-145475-398769-169576




For 1200 you must attach the hardwareID file
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« Reply #76 on: April 10, 2020, 10:42:45 22:42 »




For 1200 you must attach the hardwareID file

Understood.  HardwareID file attached.
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« Reply #77 on: April 11, 2020, 06:47:36 06:47 »

Understood.  HardwareID file attached.

License file attached

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« Reply #78 on: April 12, 2020, 09:45:20 09:45 »

Machine ID
600 pixel and 800 pixel
« Last Edit: April 12, 2020, 09:48:14 09:48 by elavarasan » Logged
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« Reply #79 on: April 14, 2020, 05:06:02 17:06 »

Hi Ahmad,

200 Machine ID: 581679-194771-208672-639394-286145

600 Machine ID: 581679-194771-208672-639394-286145

5000 Machine ID: 491240-153057-140945-391297-169576

1200 File enclosed.

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« Reply #80 on: April 14, 2020, 07:45:13 19:45 »

Hi Ahmad,

200 Machine ID: 581679-194771-208672-639394-286145

600 Machine ID: 581679-194771-208672-639394-286145

5000 Machine ID: 491240-153057-140945-391297-169576

1200 File enclosed.



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« Reply #81 on: April 16, 2020, 10:34:57 10:34 »

For those who have taken licenses and are keen to learn how to work and make designs, and programming, i have included links in the sticky post, related to videos which explain the same. Note: These are not my videos / uploads.

Posted on: April 15, 2020, 10:26:39 10:26 - Automerged

found some mistake in 5000 led circuit (see pdf)... mcu works in 5 volt & serial memory working with 3.3 volt ...this is wrong opration.

connect both ic. vcc to 3.3 volt is the right way.
The given schematic is correct and the same is working with many users without any problems. The communication pins of the Flash chip are connected to the Atmega8 but no problems are reported with it. Recently totally different version of 5000V2 software is released which is a single GUI for designing and generating the bin files. The circuit is modified for this version as you have mentioned. Atmega8 and The flash chip works on 3.3V and the 74LS245 which serves dual purpose of buffer and level converter works on 5V. You can modify the hardware as per your choice and monitor its working. Post any problems you see for the information of other members.

Posted on: April 16, 2020, 10:19:42 10:19 - Automerged

why 4 flash schematic in 1200 led .. all the memory ics & mega328 are working in 3.3v and 74hc245 connected to 5 volt.  i m confused. plz explen  
The flash chips works on 3.3V. The Main chip Mega8 or Mega 328 works on 5V. 74LS245 which serves dual purpose of buffer and level converter works on 5V which is then connected to the Pixel LEDs working on 5V. You can connect the main chip to 3.3v as it is capable of working. You can modify when you are working on it. I guess no problems will be faced. As mentioned earlier i am sharing these exclusive projects which are not available for free elsewhere and i am not the designer or owner of the same.
« Last Edit: April 16, 2020, 12:57:05 12:57 by pushycat » Logged
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« Reply #82 on: April 16, 2020, 01:56:48 13:56 »

EN25T80 is not 5V tolerant on its data line, maybe it is working but it will have hardware problem later on. Checking the datasheet of the memory the absolute maximum voltage is 4v
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« Reply #83 on: April 17, 2020, 07:29:23 07:29 »

here is the link for atmega8 fuse bit.

Posted on: April 17, 2020, 08:17:00 08:17 - Automerged

I will try to do it.


it was very easy to extract correct license info using debugger. Save it to License.lic and it works.

Now i'm trying to create a simple exe which extract these data without using any debugger.   Wink

I am newbie,yes it is very easy to extract correct license using debugger.i alredy extract 600v3 and it is working.
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« Reply #84 on: April 17, 2020, 09:51:41 09:51 »

all above software can not run in windows xp..what can i do ..
Then install newer version of windows
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« Reply #85 on: April 18, 2020, 03:09:36 15:09 »

here is the link for atmega8 fuse bit.
If you have a Parallel programmer like the TL866 or the TOP universal programmer, the "49" value on high Fuse is ok. Setting to "49" will disable the reset pin thus the chip cannot be erased further or programmed by a simple programmer like the USBasp. Setting a "C9" on the High fuse and using a 10K resistor on the Reset pin 1 solves this problem. After all the lock bit needs to be set carefully preventing reading of the code.
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« Reply #86 on: April 18, 2020, 05:55:54 17:55 »

I am newbie, witch debugger share plz.

It is a debugger for cracking softwares, use google again
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« Reply #87 on: April 21, 2020, 12:40:48 12:40 »

I have neon play software to create pixel led effect. But it is showing only " ? ? ? ? " Marks. But in youtube it is in english versions.

Kindly help.

Because the NeonPlay version that you have is Chinese Language version.
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« Reply #88 on: April 21, 2020, 03:05:29 15:05 »

To all new users, take this as a warning.

Do not send me a personal message asking for license or key. I read all replies and I see all requests, i know who i should answer to his request and who i shouldn't
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There is no evidence that I muted SoNsIvRi

« Reply #89 on: April 21, 2020, 03:30:49 15:30 »

I will mute users asking via PM's
This also gees to all PM's in any Topic
All Post Must Be In Open
There Must Not Be Any Private Shares
« Last Edit: April 22, 2020, 08:38:20 08:38 by pickit2 » Logged

Note: I stoped Muteing bad members OK I now put thier account in sleep mode
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« Reply #90 on: April 21, 2020, 05:51:24 17:51 »

To all new users, take this as a warning. Next PM i get in this regard will be reported. Do not send me a personal message asking for license or key for any software. All keys are handled by Ahmed_k and his decisions on this regard will be final.

How to get English version. Kindly help
Easiest is to get a legal version which is available for just 10K INR. It comes with a USB dongle as security.
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« Reply #91 on: April 22, 2020, 08:30:46 08:30 »

To all new users, take this as a warning. Don't PM for licenses.
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« Reply #92 on: April 25, 2020, 12:13:45 12:13 »

here is 600 pixel pcb layout design link
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« Reply #93 on: April 25, 2020, 05:59:41 17:59 »

here is 600 pixel pcb layout design link
Thanks for the share. This was an old layout circulated in the whatsapp group long back. In all the circuits used in relation to all the softwares, the author says to disable the RST while programming which i dont recommend personally. This is because the author recommends to use the TL866 Universal programmer which costs about 4000 INR while the same task of programming 9 (Atmega 8 and 328) can be handled by a cheapest available USBasp programmer for just 300 INR. In case of programming the Flash chip, we can comfortably use a dedicated USB flash programmer available abundantly just for 400 INR. Using a 10K resistor at the Pin1 (RST pin) ends all these expensive games. Further an 100E resistor is used in the given PCB for LED indicator which needs to be changed to 1K. Some one can volunteer to draw the PCB and can share the Gerber files for everyone.
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« Reply #94 on: April 26, 2020, 07:09:24 07:09 »

5000v2 have four settings option single controller,manual connection,neutral cut and block connection ,can any one pls explain about neutral cut.
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« Reply #95 on: April 26, 2020, 10:37:19 10:37 »

5000v2 have four settings option single controller,manual connection,neutral cut and block connection ,can any one pls explain about neutral cut.
In the sticky post I have included links to releavant videos. Please have a look where it is explained. Also when you view one video you'll get similar sugession to similar videos on same topics.
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« Reply #96 on: April 26, 2020, 12:06:52 12:06 »

As per pushycat request i have designed a pcb for pixel led v600 and attached the gerber. let me know if i need to upload the design files also...
« Last Edit: April 26, 2020, 05:01:22 17:01 by madhan7710 » Logged
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« Reply #97 on: April 26, 2020, 01:59:41 13:59 »

Using a 10K resistor at the Pin1 (RST pin) ends all these expensive games.
Pl claryfy the 10k resistor is connected either 5volt supply or ground.
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« Reply #98 on: April 26, 2020, 03:46:11 15:46 »

Pl claryfy the 10k resistor is connected either 5volt supply or ground.
10K is connected to Pin 1 to +5V which is used for reset pin

Posted on: 26 April 2020, 21:01:47 - Automerged

As per pushycat request i have designed a pcb for pixel led v600 and attached the gerber. let me know if i need to upload the design files also...
Thanks for the effort. Please incorporate the 10K resistor at pin 1 to Vcc which is the reset. I have mentioned it in my previous post as mandatory for an average user who will program the Atmega with a simple USBasp.
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« Reply #99 on: April 26, 2020, 05:12:10 17:12 »

Thanks for the effort. Please incorporate the 10K resistor at pin 1 to Vcc which is the reset. I have mentioned it in my previous post as mandatory for an average user who will program the Atmega with a simple USBasp.

Added a 1206 resistor in the design and updated the image as well as gerber in my original post...
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