I call it my "Little Old Chernobyl".
It's a linear power supply, capable of 13-15[V] adjustable output, via R8, with protections to overcurrent and overvoltage.
It also adds a small 5[V] power supply to feed my PIC projects.
Output block is based on Power MOSFETs. Due to their nature, you'll need a transformer with at least 25[VDC] retified output voltage.
In this schematic, transformer is simulated using a battery and rectifier bridge is not shown. Fuse can be replaced by a circuit breaker.
Zobel Network in power block is to avoid any kind of RF noise.
SCR1 is not on PCB. It's tied directly to the output connectors of the power supply.
My transformer is a taylor made one, 0+30[V] / 35[A]. This power supply is running smoothly for 5 years in my workbench and never disapointed me.
I've designed this PS to feed up all my HamRadios at once. I simply don't trust switched power supplies (PS: And just found here
another reason to keep not trusting!

Mounting 3D