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« on: December 03, 2018, 10:15:22 22:15 » |
At first, I try to explain my use case. Most (if not all) my microcontroller projects has asynchronous serial output for tracing. It is one direction only communication. I use it mostly at development state. Sometimes it remains active in production. Mostly I transmit only values, or codes, or codes with values - anyway it is not a readable text. I use the highest rate that target supports, so 8 MHz (or 32) bit rate is not extraordinary. Average data flow usually is low, but being able to store 50000 bytes per second is useful. Special profit I gain from existence of such traces in multi-channel captures of logic analyzer. That shows me internal state of microcontroller synchronized with outer activity in real time operation. Now I want to log this trace (async serial) by autonomous logger supposedly to SD card. I want to connect a logger to a target device and leave it working possibly out of workshop. Li accu is not a problem. And finally I do not like to have to initialize a logger from target, it should be preconfigured (bitrate) and ready to receive data at powering. Incremental filenames in root directory is fine. Sources for any PIС is ideal. HEX for any PIC is fine. Other uC brands also Ok. Device available to buy is great. Small footprint is a BIG plus. I found following devices. Good price. But both require interaction with target. One based on ATMEGA possibly can not handle high bitrate or SD card throughput. appreciate any advice.
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« Reply #1 on: December 03, 2018, 11:00:01 23:00 » |
I have used well still do use the open-log data logger, you can download all the source code and make your own version of it as it’s open source. I just used an Arduino Nano and one of these of e-bay which took care of the 5v side of things no converters need. can set the baud rate to what ever you require and this creates a file onto the sd card every time you power up the logger and you can change anytime just by editing the text file plus you can use upto 32gb cards. The master unit I made had an RTC and I sent out all the data to the logger, because I was running discharge and Charing tests I got it to create a new file for each test automatically by just pulling the reset low for a second, I had it running over an 10day period , but if you just want it running for days then you can just write it all into one file or you could create a new file every 24hrs which is easy to do. Not used the other one had a quick look at it,but it was cheaper to make my own open log as I already had all the bits to do it lying around
« Last Edit: December 03, 2018, 11:02:12 23:02 by Wizpic »
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« Reply #3 on: December 04, 2018, 03:04:38 15:04 » |
PICker, why?
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« Reply #4 on: December 04, 2018, 09:07:35 21:07 » |
It's possible that I did not understand your request: are you looking for a PIC-based datalogger with SD card, small footprint, HEX firmware and so on? Sorry if my suggestion does not meet your needs.
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« Reply #5 on: December 05, 2018, 02:48:28 02:48 » |
It's possible that I did not understand your request: are you looking for a PIC-based datalogger with SD card, small footprint, HEX firmware and so on? Sorry if my suggestion does not meet your needs.
your suggested tool logs data from ADC inputs, whereas the requirement is to log data coming from serial port. Moreover, that project is not opensource.
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« Reply #7 on: December 06, 2018, 01:55:54 01:55 » |
PICker, why me to follow your words to read the text you "ask" me to read to finally realize that you did not read it before me? It's not the first time, you know. PICker, I do not want to see whatever you suggest because I have distinctive desire to be away from frustration (humble desire, isn't it?). You are the lazy, unreliable and irrelevant source without actual experience in areas you are usually so politely making your directions (directions!). Why do you think you are so important (or at least better than google) telling me what to look at, having no idea about the thing five minutes before you type the same question to google? Ridiculous and pity! it is no too difficult to develop this kind of project with a SD card reader-writer.
Well, I can do it. Who knows if finally it happens. It's not a surprise that many (if not most) of members here can do it. Even you. Maybe. Do you? So what is the point? Maybe the point was not to reinvent the wheel and to save some time using a ready tool for doing things you want to do, what do you think? I found some interesting links you can use as starting point for your project:
It's so kind of you that you think about me what I can do and what to start from. But what about you? Who are you to teach me? Currently I see no expert that passed some way and shows me the path. I see the pretender. Are your students cheated the same way? Because I am definitely cheated by you. It is not so simple to find <...>
Please, do not bother yourself. If you have nothing to share - do not share, it's Ok. My turn to teach you. Let's setup a situation. Imagine, you read a verbose question about serial data logger. You never use such. But you want to benice|helpful|partofwhatever|important|justchat. Then you simply can start with words - "Never use it". Good words. Somehow useless but good. Then it's time to have some thoughts about context explained in request. That is an unpredictable part. Variant one - you have no thoughts. Then (surprisingly simple) - say nothing. Brilliant, isn't it? Variant two - you have what to say about described use case or estimated solution, your opinion, you impressed or disappointed or just interested in a solution too - unpredictable part as I said. Then just say it. To be interesting it has to be at least true.
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« Reply #8 on: December 06, 2018, 05:53:43 05:53 » |
Hi Signal, I'm sorry to have given you a bad impression, believe me, my intention was to give you a hand based on my experience and my skills. I apologize if the result was different. Here I have no claim to teach anyone, I do that already at university (without cheating my students, as you say after reading two posts). I have a wide experience in programming PIC for data acquisition and SD card logging, but I found difficult to find a pure PIC-based serial-to-SD. Let me tell you that your reaction seems excessive and unmotivated, in my life I have never deceived anyone and I do not think I have insulted or offended in any way. Personally, when someone tries to help me, even if her/his help does not have great value for me, I appreciate the commitment and time he/she has spent on this. However, not having the desire nor the time to discuss about netiquette, I wish you to make your device as soon as possible, you will certainly be able to do better than me.
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« Reply #9 on: December 06, 2018, 08:21:05 08:21 » |
Personally, when someone tries to help me, even if her/his help does not have great value for me, I appreciate the commitment and time he/she has spent on this.
I do not believe in your help and do not appreciate some unrelated activity from one who just states that he (or she?) is rather competent but do not read enough to understand questions as well as his (or her?) "own" answers. We already had the conversation before where I explained why and where you had clarified your criteria of "helping". Nothing was changed since then. Of course I wrote much more words than enough. That was the momentum to compensate frustration you caused. At that time it seemed to be a right feedback. Enough would be just to say "Please, do not bother yourself". Next time I will refrain longer.
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« Reply #11 on: January 03, 2019, 02:27:59 14:27 » |
I hope this one will be fine for you (cheap € 2,98) ready to use:
Thank you. I have received one right before New Year. It was convenient for me to order original SparkFun DEV-13712. Odered it after Wizpic recommendation. Just have explored docs and tested it. Figured out that for my case of binary stream I need to set esc# parameter to zero. So after changing of one symbol in config.txt file the OpenLog is really ready to use. If I reach the bitrate limit I shell report it here. I hope that for current project it will be enough.
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« Reply #12 on: January 03, 2019, 02:55:53 14:55 » |
You are welcome, if you have any further questions on this subject, and I did not see the post, you can send me a message, I will gladly help... BTW "original SparkFun DEV-13712" difference is only price $15.50 vs china $3.33 
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« Reply #13 on: January 05, 2019, 07:56:45 07:56 » |
You can use also CH376S USB Read/Write module (from aliexpress or others) which include a very cheap "usb flash to serial", there's also a project made with arduino (may be you can adapt it to PIC):, source code included. HTH
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« Reply #14 on: January 07, 2019, 03:13:03 03:13 » |
You can use also CH376S USB Read/Write module
Interesting. In case I need to add USB flash to some project this module could be useful. Though I see some disadvantages using it as a data logger. 1) a size of USB flash is bigger, CH376S module is bigger 2) I expect USB flash consumes more power (additional controller), though I did not find any power specification for this module 3) 5V supply is not convenient for autonomous project. So having a card reader why to use USB flash for logger? What do I miss?
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« Reply #15 on: January 07, 2019, 09:41:35 21:41 » |
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« Reply #16 on: January 09, 2019, 07:16:39 07:16 » |
You can use the flash storage module with spi interface
I could. Can you explain how do you use it and for what purpose? I see it difficult to use data stored inside such device from outside. What do you expect to do (or maybe already do) to look (get access to) what your logger/device collected?
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« Reply #17 on: January 09, 2019, 01:43:37 13:43 » |
I could. Can you explain how do you use it and for what purpose? I see it difficult to use data stored inside such device from outside. What do you expect to do (or maybe already do) to look (get access to) what your logger/device collected? sorry but nop... its not for you Signal... its: Serial Nor flash expansion memory chips with Support SPI interface SparkFun DEV-13712 is still better solution for you ( OpenLog - data logger)
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« Reply #18 on: January 09, 2019, 06:44:26 18:44 » |
SparkFun DEV-13712 is still better solution for you ( OpenLog - data logger)
I had no doubts regarding it. I just tried to politely indicate the doubtful suggestion. Anyway it would be interesting to get answers from max.
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