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Author Topic: Way Off Topic - Any (current) University Students?  (Read 7229 times)
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« on: April 10, 2018, 03:10:32 03:10 »

The short of it, is I'm trying to obtain a copy of a scanned copy of a long, long out of print (NOT electronics related) that is only available in an online library database that is only open to Universities and a few other accredited organizations that pay for membership to said database.

You can check to see if your University has access by visiting this link

Click on the "Login through your library or institution" and see if your institution has a membership.

From there, from what I gather from this page ( ) and a few others I have read depending on the type of database access membership your institution pays for, you might or might not need to actually login using a University connected computer at the University library vs on off site computer, can't say as I don't have any access to test and verify what I have heard/read  Roll Eyes

Anyway, if you do have access, and are willing to help me out, the book I'm looking for is below (yes spelling is correct) I would greatly appreciate a copy, attach and share with all here if you can get a copy...

A booke of engines and traps to take polcats, buzardes, rattes, mice and all other kindes of vermine and beasts whatsoeuer, most profitable for all warriners, and such as delight in this kinde of sport and pastime

Leonard Mascall
Published in 1590

Probably best to just search by Author vs Title, from what I gather there are only a handful of books by this author so that should be a quick search, feel free to grab them all and package them all if you want, I won't complain  Grin

I want to build some of the traps with my kids as primitive trapping methods intrigue me...  Thanks in advance...
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« Reply #1 on: April 10, 2018, 01:51:22 13:51 »

EEBO only has the FIRST PAGE!

full text of many of his other books are available but the one you want isn't.


« Last Edit: April 10, 2018, 01:57:52 13:57 by Gallymimu » Logged
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« Reply #2 on: April 10, 2018, 07:49:40 19:49 »

Hmm, interesting as I had a back and forth email with EEBO last year when I was trying to get my local library to sign up for a trial account so I could get the book and they assured me that they had the complete book scanned into their database and it was available...  My local library never followed through on my request for the trial so that was a dead end, as well...

Might be a licensing issue with the account you are using as well, I have read online that depending upon the licensing and admin configuration of the database sometimes 'author' searches only produce a one or two page preview, and sometimes if you are not accessing the database from an official 'university library' computer you might be limited to previews only...

Either way thanks for trying, maybe someone else will have better luck...
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« Reply #3 on: April 11, 2018, 04:35:13 04:35 »

Hmm, interesting as I had a back and forth email with EEBO last year when I was trying to get my local library to sign up for a trial account so I could get the book and they assured me that they had the complete book scanned into their database and it was available...  My local library never followed through on my request for the trial so that was a dead end, as well...

Might be a licensing issue with the account you are using as well, I have read online that depending upon the licensing and admin configuration of the database sometimes 'author' searches only produce a one or two page preview, and sometimes if you are not accessing the database from an official 'university library' computer you might be limited to previews only...

Either way thanks for trying, maybe someone else will have better luck...

I don't know what the deal was.  I was able to access full text for several of the author's other books but that particular one only showed one page!
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« Reply #4 on: April 11, 2018, 09:32:32 09:32 »

Have you seen this it might not be the book. But more than nothing

I have come here to chew bubblegum and kick ass... and I'm all out of bubblegum
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« Reply #5 on: April 12, 2018, 01:27:06 13:27 »

Have you seen this it might not be the book. But more than nothing

I had seen that, yes better than nothing but I would still like the entire book.  There is also a guy on Youtube that built many of the mouse traps as well, my interest lies not only in the mouse traps but other traps also found in the books as well as the text overall...

The search continues...
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« Reply #6 on: April 23, 2018, 09:53:04 21:53 »

try this:

Title:   A booke of fishing with hooke & line, and of all other instruments thereunto belonging. Another of sundrie engines and trappes to take polcats, buzards, rattes, mice and all other kindes of vermine & beasts whatsoeuer, most profitable for all warriners, and such as delight in this kinde of sport and pastime. Made by L.M.
Additional titles:   Boke of Saint Albans.
Author:   Mascall, Leonard, d. 1589.
Other authors:   Berners, Juliana, b. 1388?
Imprint:   London : Printed by Iohn Wolfe, and are to be solde by Edwarde White dwelling at the little North doore of Paules at the signe of the Gunne, [1590]
Date:   1590
Bib name / number:   STC (2nd ed.) / 17572
Physical description:   87, [1], 88-93 p., folded plate :
Notes:   Publication date from STC.
Taken partly from: Berners, Juliana. Boke of Saint Albans. (STC 3309).
"A booke of engines and traps to take polcats, buzardes, rattes, mice and all other kindes of vermine and beasts whatsoeuer, most profitable for all warriners, and such as delight in this kinde of sport and pastime" has separate dated title page; pagination and register are continuous.
Imperfect; margins cropped, affecting imprint date and some pagination.
Reproduction of the original in the Harvard University. Library.
Copy from:   Harvard University Library
UMI Collection / reel number:   STC / 479:05

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« Reply #7 on: April 23, 2018, 10:08:24 22:08 »

That works wonders,  Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin  the book I want starts on page 26 of that double page scan (50 in the real text) of that double book edition!

Thanks for sticking with me as I did some research to figure out that they had scanned the book in as part of a double book edition and not as a single book...

And thanks again, I have been on and off searching for this book for about 2 years now and You (and Sonsivri) came to the rescue yet again on the hard to get stuff, even though this was entirely off topic...

**Edit**  Now it's to find the time and rebuilt the sloppy scans into something I can print and have ring bound and look presentable so I can enjoy it more...
« Last Edit: April 24, 2018, 12:12:34 00:12 by CocaCola » Logged
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« Reply #8 on: April 26, 2018, 02:21:38 02:21 »

Glad it worked dude!

Let that be a lesson for the leeches and lurkers on this forum!

and your avatar is HOT.
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