The short of it, is I'm trying to obtain a copy of a scanned copy of a long, long out of print (NOT electronics related) that is only available in an online library database that is only open to Universities and a few other accredited organizations that pay for membership to said database.
You can check to see if your University has access by visiting this link on the "Login through your library or institution" and see if your institution has a membership.
From there, from what I gather from this page ( ) and a few others I have read depending on the type of database access membership your institution pays for, you might or might not need to actually login using a University connected computer at the University library vs on off site computer, can't say as I don't have any access to test and verify what I have heard/read

Anyway, if you do have access, and are willing to help me out, the book I'm looking for is below (yes spelling is correct) I would greatly appreciate a copy, attach and share with all here if you can get a copy...
A booke of engines and traps to take polcats, buzardes, rattes, mice and all other kindes of vermine and beasts whatsoeuer, most profitable for all warriners, and such as delight in this kinde of sport and pastimeLeonard Mascall
Published in 1590
Probably best to just search by Author vs Title, from what I gather there are only a handful of books by this author so that should be a quick search, feel free to grab them all and package them all if you want, I won't complain

I want to build some of the traps with my kids as primitive trapping methods intrigue me... Thanks in advance...