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Author Topic: ViewCompanion Premium 10.51 (x86/x64)  (Read 5564 times)
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« on: February 20, 2017, 06:30:58 06:30 »

Software Companions ViewCompanion Premium 10.51 (x86/x64)

ViewCompanion Premium® is the most powerful member of the ViewCompanion family. ViewCompanion Premium can view, print and convert PLT plot files, Adobe PDF, Autodesk DWF, Postscript, CGM, TIFF, CALS and many other formats. ViewCompanion Premium support PLT plotter files using HPGL, HPGL/2, HP-RTL and Calcomp formats.

If you need to distribute drawings, e.g. on the Internet, you can convert your drawings to Autodesk Drawing Web Format (DWF), Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) or Adobe PDF. All these formats are very popular for distributing drawings.
You can convert multiple files of different formats to a single multi-page PDF, DWF or TIFF file.
ViewCompanion can split a multi-page PDF, PDF or DWF files into several single paged files.

Your PLT, PDF, CGM and DWF files can be converted to Autodesk DXF format, which can be read by almost all CAD application, e.g.: Autodesk AutoCAD and Microstation.

Both batch conversion and printing is included. The software can be configured to monitor a user selected folder, and all files copied to that folder will be automatically printed.

ViewCompanion gives you advanced functions for zooming and panning, and you can view your files fast and accurate.

Use Viewcompanion's precise tools to measure dimension lengths and areas. You can measure using snap to drawing geometry for highest accuracy. Calibration of the measurement tools is available to make sure you get correct results if your drawings are not 1:1. The measurement results may be exported to csv, which can be loaded into Excel or any other spreadsheet application.

With ViewCompanion Premium you can add markups to the loaded file. Supported markup elements include rectangles, lines, dimension lines, area measurements, ellipses, polygons, text, arrows, stamps and images.
You can select one of the predefined stamps or create your own. User defined symbol libraries makes it easy to add frequently used symbols as markups. Hyperlinks can be added to markup elements, and a hyperlink can either open another drawing inside ViewCompanion, or open an Internet location (URL) using the default browser.

All markup elements are stored in a separate file and the original file will be left unmodified.
The markup elements can optionally be included when the viewed file is printed or converted.
You can export markup elements as Autodesk DXF, Autodesk DWF, CGM and other formats.
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« Reply #1 on: August 01, 2017, 06:56:24 18:56 »

ViewCompanion Premium 10.63 (x86/x64)
Mega, Zippyshare and Filedropper links.

10.63   Maintenance update.
New Feature:
ID   Description
1   It is now possible to select a markup file in the batch conversion dialog. This markup file will be applied to all converted documents. This may be useful for adding text, watermark, stamps or any other information during the conversion process.
Fixed issues:
Bug   Description
982   CGM file issue: Some dashed lines were displayed as solid lines.
980   After conversion from PDF to PDF with markup data, the markup could sometimes be displayed in wrong position and rotation, if the original PDF file used page rotation.
979   DWF file issue: Some elements were not filled correctly.
978   CGM file issue: Some elliptical arcs were not displayed correctly.
975   Markup text sizes become wrong after converting to PDF if markup data loaded was loaded from a customer made XML file.
974   CGM file issue: Several lines that should not be displayed.
973   CGM file issue: Text was misplaced and had wrong scaling.
972   CGM file issue: Some shapes were missing solid black fill.
---   PDF to DXF conversion is now using color 255 for white areas instead of color 7 (items with color 7 will be displayed using black on white background in AutoCAD).

10.62   Maintenance update.

New Feature:
ID   Description
1   Markup picture elements may now be rotated.
Fixed issues:
Bug   Description
971   Some characters appeared too bold after conversion to PDF.
970   Missing color for some images during conversion to PDF.
967   PLT file caused an exception error during loading.
964   DWFX file caused an exception error during loading.

10.61   Maintenance update.
Fixed issues:
Bug   Description
962   Two DWF files failed to open.
960   Converting a PLT file from customer to TIFF gave distorted images.
959   A CGM file was loaded with incorrect extents.
957   Some entities in DWF file was displayed outlined, but should have been filled.
956   A DWF file caused exception error.
955   Some images in a DWF file was displayed with transparency, but should have been opaque.
951   Logfile was sometimes not created if a file failed during command line conversion.
-   Exported PDF/A files was sometimes missing color indent and failed preflight check.
-   PDF merge page labels now use the correct case, previously all labels was lowercase.
-   For EAN13 barcodes the last digit is now automatically changed to the checksum of the 12 first digits.

10.60   Feature update.

New Features:
ID   Description
1   Converting from PDF to PDF with markup and using 100% scale will now retain all the original PDF content like text, layers and more.
2   Markup notes will now be converted to Acrobat text comment during conversion to PDF.
3   Added a new command line option named ComparePDF. This command will load two files, compare them and then save the comparison result to a PDF file.
4   ViewCompanion can use the file name as page label instead of a page number when you merge PDF files to a single PDF. An option to select either label names or page numbers has been added.
5   The markup list will now only show markups that are visible. Markup elements that are placed on layers that are "off" will no longer be listed.
6   Added an option to create legacy RS-274D Gerber files instead of RS-274X (extended) files.
7   Elements with hyperlinks will be converted to web or file links in the exported PDF file.
8   Calibration now has an option to recalculate all existing markup measurements if scaling is changed.
9   If you have Microsoft Office™ installed you may now open Word, PowerPoint and Excel files directly in ViewCompanion.
10   Web, file and page links in PDF files are now supported.
11   You may now see the content of a text comment in PDF files as a tooltip.
Fixed issues:
Bug   Description
954   PLT: ViewCompanion could hang forever if a corrupt PLT files was using during command line conversion. We've added extra checks to avoid this.
953   PLT: After conversion to PDF most characters got a black box around them.
952   PLT: Converting a file from customer caused transparency to be lost for most images.
947   PDF: After conversion to DXF Japanese text was displayed only as "??". ViewCompanion now convert far-east characters correctly as Unicode (\U+XXXX).
943   Converting a file with margins didn't give expected result. The converted image was always centered even if different left/right and bottom/top margins were defined.
942   DWF file from customer caused an exception error during load.
941   DWF: Some of the text had wrong rotation and alignment.
940   PLT: After conversion to DWF some images lost transparency.
937   DWF: Only 12 pages of a 50 page file was loaded.
935   DWF: Some of the drawing was outside paper and the markup was displaced.
934   DWF: Some of the text was missing due to a clipping error.
918   PDF: A white polygon was placed on top of rest of the drawing, after conversion to DXF.
-   PDF reader had a memory leak that could cause the displayed file to become white only, after several redraws.
-   The SVG compression option was not stored between sessions.
-   Markup burn-in only worked for page one in a multipage document.
-   Solid filled markup circles were exported to PDF as outlined circles.
-   Added line style support to Gerber exporter.
-   Export of measurement area element didn't always fill the text background.
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« Reply #2 on: January 30, 2018, 04:33:18 16:33 »

ViewCompanion Premium 11.00 (x86/x64)

What's new:

Major update.

New features and changes:
A rewritten core engine that gives much better accuracy for both conversion and measurement.
Modified GUI that allows all panels to be visible at the same time (panels includes layers, pages, bookmarks and project).
ViewCompanion may now use LibreOffice, in addition to Microsoft Office®, to view, print and convert Office formats. LibreOffice is free software and you can read more about it here.
ViewCompanion will automatically detect if LibreOffice or MsOffice is present on the system.
You may use ViewCompanion to batch convert Office formats to PDF if you have one of the above mentioned products installed.
New PDF print engine which should work faster on most systems.
Added rounded rectangle markup element.
Markup arrow type is now drawn by selecting two points.
You may now change the size of the page thumbnails and force them all to be displayed.
Added command to toggle between stay in draw markup mode, or go directly to edit after a markup is completed.
Added command to toggle between line edit mode or move element mode.
Added new raster rotate tools for 90, 180 and 270 degrees.
Added new raster invert tool.
Added new raster mirror horizontal and vertical tool.
Raster Deskew will now keep the original page size by default.
Added Deflate and JPEG compression options to TIFF conversion.
Inserted symbols may now be rotated.
The GUI should now be completely hidden during command line conversions.
Several other minor changes and improvements.

Fixed issues:
Bug   Description
1036   Missing lines in DWF files from customer due to a clipping error.
1035   Missing raster images in CGM files from customer.
1034   A color image lost transparency after conversion to DWF (from PLT).
1033   A PDF file from customer was not displayed correctly.
1030   Chinese text in a CGM file was displayed as squares.
1022   A PDF file from customer lost some of the content when zoomed in.
1021   Running cleanup on an 8-bit image sometime created black only image.
1016   Some text files were incorrectly identified as a Gerber file.
1013   A PDF file from customer failed to open.
1009   If you're printing a file with different paper sizes, and have fit to page enabled, ViewCompanion may now rotate each page to match the page layout.
1006   A PDF file from customer had clipping errors.
1004   Missing image in CGM file.
1001   A PDF converted to DWF could not be opened by Design Review.
997   A white raster in a PDF file was loaded as black only.
990   Missing user defined hatch fill type in a CGM file from customer.
989   DWF file was displayed with an inverted raster image.
987   PDF to CAD: Some of text in a PDF file was not correctly converted to DXF.
986   Two DWF files failed to open.
907   Bad accuracy for a CGM file that was converted to PDF.
890   Converting a CGM file to PDF gave low accuracy when doing measurements in Acrobat.
-   The PDF merge page label setting is now remembered between sessions.
-   Both export and display are now honoring Monochrome and Grayscale flags for raster image output.
-   Some filenames, like for example test.doc.tif, were incorrectly identified as Office document due to the doc extension.
-   The DWF exporter now supports true type output.
-   The DXF exporter should now always write polyline with correct line width.
-   Eraser type element was not saved if XML format was used.
-   Markup element line point editing can now be undone.
-   A markup freehand element may now contain more than 1024 points.
-   Scanning did not work for some WIA scanners (for example Canon LiDE 120).

Zippyshare link attached.
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