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Author Topic: rapidshare  (Read 23790 times)
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« on: January 10, 2010, 07:52:45 19:52 »

The problem with Rapidshare in my country, they never have enough slots and that's the late few months,
before was no problem. Rapidshare has changed and not longer serves as free and slow file sharing service.
When other services exist like Mediafire and Megaupload and many more, why bother with limitation like 10 times etc.
Out of work  for some time, even €6.99 hurts right now.

In my opinion and is only my opinion, we should you use other services, at least that's what I do.


Being out of work now myself, I agree....even a 'little' money is a lot of money... Cheesy

Here's a thought:  Even without much money, it seemed to me that it was better to support Sonsivri than RS ! I sent my $15 to this board, Sonsivri, instead.

If a lot of us do that, then this board will be running for a long time....a good thing.

There's another problem with absolutely SUCKS for those stuck on dialup.

hey, if I -could- get DSL, I would find a way to pay for it....but like many other people, it's not a question of money for's simply that I CAN'T get DSL here in rural area.

About 30 million people in the US still can't get any broadband....and about two billion people worldwide!

Rapidshare cancels the download-in-progress if the rate gets too slow for them.....and RS doesn't re-start whenever there's any problem with the phone-line...which does happen.  Many dialup-ISP's (like earthlink) hang up the line every 12hrs, even if a transfer is in progress.

And for big files, 100mb-1gb, even with a solid connection, they take longer than overnight....and the phone-line is needed for other things during the day, yes?  Cheesy

So with RS not being good at resuming the download an hour or a day later....yer screwed.

Sooo.....RS is fine for little files, like patches....and I don't mind retrying 5 times to get a slot.....but for big files, I too ask that people upload elsewhere.  Preferably at a service whose pages aren't bloated with graphics, scripts, container-pages, and other crap.....because those too are really a drag on slow dialup.

In fact...I would like to suggest an alternative strategy:  uploading to Emule network

That works GOOD for those stuck with dialup!

I can leave emule running every night, and slowly but surely, I get the file.

I suggest posting on these threads the exact filename that was used when uploading to that others can pick out which file is the right one.

Well, I am newby here, so perhaps all the above is considered dumb by the 'experts'...but they are indeed real problems for everyone stuck on dialup....and like I said, that is still a LOT of people....almost everyone who lives outside a city/town.

Uploaders....thanks VERY much for your efforts, and gifts....and thanks for considering my suggestions.  Cool
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« Reply #1 on: January 22, 2010, 08:29:40 08:29 »

I think rapidshare is owned by microsoft these days, their eyes see $$, even lack of functionality.

- Houston, we have a problem.
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« Reply #2 on: May 05, 2010, 04:34:10 04:34 »

RapidShare Not Liable For Pirating Users, Court Rules

Written by Ernesto on May 04, 2010

RapidShare is not liable for acts of copyright infringement committed by its users, a German court ruled yesterday. The Dusseldorf Court of Appeals overturned the earlier decision of a local district court in a case brought by the movie outfit Capelight Pictures.

rapidshareLike most file-hosting services, RapidShare carries a wide range of movies, music and software files that are distributed without the consent of the rightsholders. This situation has caused the company to be dragged to court several times already.

One of the cases in which RapidShare lost was that against the movie rental company Capelight Pictures. This case was appealed by RapidShare and the Dusseldorf Court of Appeals overturned the earlier verdict yesterday, stating that the file-hoster is not responsible for any copyright infringements committed by its users.

“We are very happy about the judgment. The court has confirmed that RapidShare is not responsible for the contents of files uploaded by its users,” Rapidshare founder Christian Schmid said commenting to the outcome of the appeal.

“The judgment shows that attempts to denounce our business model as illegal will not be successful in the long run. With its 1-click-filehosting model, RapidShare responds to legitimate interests of its users and will continue to do so in the future,” Schmid added.

The arguments by the Court of Appeals go directly against earlier decisions in Germany where RapidShare was ordered to filter content proactively. The Court argued that RapidShare’s business is acting within the law and discounted the preventive measures that were suggested by the copyright holder.

Filtering based on keywords is not effective since that would result in many false positives, the Court noted. Likewise, manually reviewing uploaded content is not deemed feasible because RapidShare does not have the manpower to do this.

Another suggestion, banning file formats such as RARs, was also tossed out since this file type says little about whether a file is copyrighted or not. RAR is simply a format used to compress data, regardless of the copyrighted status of the files, the court explained.

The verdict is undoubtedly a major victory for RapidShare, and it will also reflect positively on other file-hosters and even torrent sites. In fact, many of the arguments used by the Court hold also for the average torrent site, as long as they stay away from other means of facilitating copyright infringement.

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« Reply #3 on: July 23, 2010, 10:49:37 10:49 »

Hi!I use this topic,called "Rapidshare",4 one req. for all our members-Please don't upload file/s 2 Rapidshare as free user (without even collector acount),becouse there is 10 times downl. limit!If U have reason why U dont wan't open any acount on Rapid(or wan't 2 secure Your upload-post link in attach)-Just pick up another file server.I think this is the way that our community stay clean (from unwork links)and happy!Isn't it?Thanx! Smiley Maybe We (Please moderators,Mr.SONSiVRi,Mr.bbarney,Mr.pickit2,Mr.Wizpic,Mr.metal- says Your opinion)can poll this thema on vote or.....?
Best Regards....
« Last Edit: July 23, 2010, 01:22:09 13:22 by marty.markoh » Logged
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« Reply #4 on: July 23, 2010, 06:53:02 18:53 »

I see if you open a free account with rapidshare you don't have a 10 times download limit. most users just don't read the rapidshare deal, they just up the files.

And now with the new pay as you go deals on a sliding scale, to be able to download a large number of files, then its a fair price to pay.

As to other download file servers, most of the free ones I get no free slots in your country, limited downloads to say one per hour. and a few just send you round in loops(mosty the *.ru), never showing you the download link.
Today I was using one of these and I had to wait 1 minute to show the you want to download this file, then another mimute to show the link, then "you have changed your IP link is treminated" I have a static IP, so that not a good reason to go with them.
So should I pay for these sites I would say No way, if they cant show you what they can deliver, I will not use them.
« Last Edit: July 23, 2010, 07:02:12 19:02 by pickit2 » Logged

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« Reply #5 on: December 14, 2010, 11:35:11 11:35 »

Well, I moved from rapidshare to hotfile since it allows me as many downloads as possible and I can money also (in form of extending my account). But these firms are the same when they grow and does not need us they lower the limit anyway ,best
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« Reply #6 on: March 27, 2011, 11:10:38 23:10 »

Personally I've used Rapidshare for quite a few years (and I still do).
I recognise that it has its limitations, however I have found (personal opinion) that it is a very reliable service for the kinds of file which I up- and down-load. Also it routinely maxes out my download connection, so no issues there.

The complaint I have with most (maybe all!) of the other hosts is that it is quite difficult to subscribe without getting trapped into an uncancellable continuing subscription. I'm very cautious with my cash so I run a mile when I see this kind of thing.
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« Reply #7 on: March 27, 2011, 11:37:08 23:37 »

Megaupload is an other good hosting. I subscribe to both, this is mostly to do with family downloading more than me. Smiley
Also if you register for free on most download sites, you get a faster timeout before your download starts.
only problem with RS and Hotfile is the speed they delete files, megaupload they seem to last longer.

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« Reply #8 on: March 28, 2011, 10:23:15 22:23 »

Use a disposable, pre-paid credit card. They're widely available.

Now that is a good idea!
Just never thought of it.

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« Reply #9 on: April 22, 2011, 05:03:45 17:03 »

also unemployed so any free host is for us

disposable credit cards are a great way to go, make great gifts

so send one to Sonsivri as a way to say thanks!
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