I add another useful programmer to the list:
https://github.com/sergev/pic32progPic32prog is a utility for loading data into a flash memory of Microchip PIC32
microcontrollers. Supported adapters and bootloaders:
* Microchip PICkit2
* Microchip PICkit3 with scripting firmware
* Olimex ARM-USB-Tiny (not finished yet)
* Olimex ARM-USB-Tiny, ARM-USB-Tiny-H and ARM-USB-OCH-H JTAG adapters
* Olimex MIPS-USB-OCH-H JTAG adapter
* Bus Blaster v2 JTAG adapter from Dangerous Prototypes
* Flyswatter JTAG adapter from TinCanTools
* AN1388 HID bootloader
* Legacy FS_USB HID bootloader