I have three analog cameras installed in one building and i want to transmit these videos over LAN to a second building. I wanted to start with converting the analog video to digital video and then input it to the CSI port of Raspberry Pi which would convert it into IP format.
What i will do is try to convert the analog video into digital video format using TVP5150AM from TI.
do the conversion using ADV7280.
https://www.analog.com/en/products/adv7280.htmlNow the next problem is how to convert from YCrCb format to CSI format?
I have the following further options :
1. Convert the YCrCb to HMDI and use a HDMI to CSI Bridge.
https://auvidea.eu/b101-hdmi-to-csi-2-bridge-15-pin-fpc/ But this bridge is very expensive and not feasible for serial production because of cost.
Since i have no previous experience of doing this , i just wanted to confirm from any board member if the path i have chosen is good to follow or i make some diversion?
- techNeo