IGBT and Mosfet are used extensively in modern power supply converters.Different technique are used to drive them from gate drive transformers,optocoupler circuits having boost straps.and other drivers with separate supply of each one .My problem is this that I intent to use driver having separate power supply for each driver instead of bootstrap drivers like ir2110.
The simplest choice is 50 Hz transformer having separate loops for each supply. the problem with this is huge size and poor regulation.Then comes smps converters here the issue is availability of the components.and design.I saw many circuits of different capacity for this.
In ac motor drives three methods are used.
1 A ferrite core transformer having four loops 1 for low side transistors and 3 for each high side transistors.
2 Six ferrite core transformer are used for each driver but all are driven with single smps ic.
3 Bootstrap drivers are used having single supply.
I want help in deciding which one should I select for best, considering high isolation, low cost, long life,durability and easy to maintain.
Please share your experience and knowledge.
An example may seen at