Create a file called project.cmd(name is not important);
--ERRFORMAT="%f(%l) : error %n: %s"
--WARNFORMAT="%f(%l) : warning %n: %s (%a)"
--MSGFORMAT="%f(%l) : message %n: %s"
Configure PIC used:
Configure messages to be understood by Visual Studio and to be displayed in standard output.
--ERRFORMAT="%f(%l) : error %n: %s"
--WARNFORMAT="%f(%l) : warning %n: %s (%a)"
--MSGFORMAT="%f(%l) : message %n: %s"
Compile optimize for speed:
In output display total time it took for compiling the project
Warning level
Forgot these, but can be found on user manual of compiler
This will output files compatible with MPLAB and PROTEUS.
Useful for simulation.
Stop compilation after this number of errors:
Output MAP file:
This one tells compiler the maximum identifier length:
For example if you have a function called MyFunc(),this one has identifier length of 6 (1M 2y 3F 4u 5n 6c)
Global defines:
These are similar to:
#define OSC 40000000UL
#define GLOBAL_DEBUG 1
#define VERSION_NUMBER 800
Output HEX:
Object files output folder:
Include folders(as you can see,these can be relative paths):
These are project c files:
After you configure this file you should tell VS:
PICC18.exe @project.cmdThis line you should provide it in configuration of your VS project.
Sadly on this PC I don't have VS installed to show you a screenshot, but I'msure you will find your way.
If there still is interest I'll provide it tomorrow.
Have fun!