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An effort to put up Construction projects published in Electronics For you Magazine will be done here in this thread regularly. If any other member too has any access to any construction articles from the magazine, is most welcome to post it here. All articles will include schematics, full articles with PCB layouts and codes. Thus material whatever available from the magazine will be posted here, and these are not my projects. Any claims about its non working or discussions about the same may be continued on the regular discussion forums. This thread will be exclusively for posting projects only.
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« Reply #225 on: May 30, 2020, 03:20:20 15:20 »

Gesture Controlled Wheel Chair Using ATmega32 (EFY Feb2017)
Wheelchairs  are  useful  for people for whom walking is difficult or impossible due to some illness, injury or disability. There are  different  types  of  wheelchairs. Manual wheelchairs are pushed using their handles. Motorized wheelchairs, are driven by joystick. Voice-controlled  wheelchairs  are the latest development. These can be driven just by giving voice commands. A more advanced and intelligent version  of  the  wheelchair  is  controlled directly  through  human  mind,  such as the one used by renowned scientist Stephen Hawking. In case a person is unable to move the  wheelchair  even  with  joystick or  voice  command,  an  alternative  is gesture-controlled  wheelchair.  The wheelchair moves as per user’s finger gestures. The user has to simply bend his fingers to move the wheelchair. Here  we  present  the  project  to control  a  wheelchair  through  finger gestures. It uses flex sensors to record finger  gestures.  The  gesture  signals are fed to ATmega32 microcontroller, which  processes  the  information  to control four DC motors in order to move the wheelchair in any desired direction. Flex  sensors  are  widely  used  to convert finger gestures into equivalent electrical  signals.  These  are  actually variable  resistors,  whose  resistance changes when these are bent in either direction. This change in resistance is converted into an equivalent voltage, which can be used for further processing.

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« Reply #226 on: June 02, 2020, 05:50:50 17:50 »

DIY Automatic Water Refiller (EFY March 2018)
Air coolers  provide  cool  air  in a room by adding moisture to the air. This moist air is blown inside the room by an exhaust fan or blower, which makes the room temperature drop. These coolers require frequent refilling of water. Presented here is a circuit to refill water automatically in an air-cooler tank when the  water  drops  below  a  predetermined level. It is built around NE555 timer (IC1),  transistor  BC547  (T1),  reed switches (S1 and S2), and a few other components. IC1 is configured similar to bi-stable mode, the only difference being that switch S1 is connected to pin 6 instead of pin 4.

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« Reply #227 on: June 15, 2020, 01:12:01 13:12 »

Software Defined Radio (EFY March 2018)
Software-defined radio (SDR) is one of most important wireless communication technologies. It is a unique type of radio system that can tune to any frequency band. The SDR platform is generic, that is, one platform supports various signals of different frequencies. Earlier,  SDR  hardware  was designed  only  to  support  high-end computer  systems  and  desktop computers.  However,  with  recent advancements in smartphone technology  and  availability  of  affordable smartphones, developers have started working on SDR support for mobile phones.RTL-SDR dongles can easily perform the function of an SDR receiver using an Android smartphone with on-the-go  (OTG)  support.

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« Reply #228 on: June 20, 2020, 01:46:59 13:46 »

Virtual Telepresence Robot suing Raspberry Pi (EFY March 2018)
This robot with a camera is placed in a remote location to capture the  environment  in visual  form  using  Raspberry Pi (RPi). The captured visuals are displayed on the user’s  virtual  reality  (VR) headset. An added feature allows the  camera  to  move  in  the direction of the user’s head movements.  This  gives  the user  a  real-time  experience as if he is present where the robot is located. The  robot  can  also  be moved  in  any  direction through an app installed in the user’s smartphone.Virtual reality The video captured by RPi camera can be  viewed  on  a  smartphone  placed in  the  virtual  reality  (VR)  headset. The  project  lets  the  user  experience virtual  reality  through  VR  headset. Dual-screen  mode  is  enabled  in  the smartphone for this purpose. The smartphone reads the accelerometer and magnetometer data of the direction in which the user turns his head, say, right or left. This data is sent to the modem over Wi-Fi and to the RPi board, which, in turn, provides these values as inputs to the servo motors. Two servo motors are used to move the camera—one for the vertical movement and the other for the horizontal movement.  So  when  you  turn  your head along with VR headset to the right side, the RPi camera will also turn to the right direction.

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« Reply #229 on: July 03, 2020, 04:58:46 16:58 »

Automatic Certificate Generation Using MATLAB (EFY April 2018)
MATLAB is a versatile tool that can  automate  many  tasks. Presented here is a MATLAB code to generate certificates for workshops, conferences, symposiums, etc. Conventionally,  educational  institutions and companies use specialized tools for report cards and certificates generation  on  a  large  scale.  This MATLAB  code  can  be  extended  to generate analysis reports for large data sets as well.  File name of the blank certificate (A) is used as input in the code. Details to be written on the certificate are obtained from an Excel sheet (B). The  data  is  written  over  the  blank certificate and many such certificates are generated by the MATLAB code (C). The certificates generated by the program can be saved in a folder with a unique file name (D).

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« Reply #230 on: July 22, 2020, 07:06:45 19:06 »

Vehicle tracking system based on GPS and GSM (EFY April 2018)
Presented  here  is  an  Arduino based system for vehicle tracking using global positioning system (GPS)  and  global  system  for  mobile communication (GSM) modules. GSM modem  with  a  SIM  card  used  here uses the communication technique of a regular cellphone. The system can be installed or hidden in your vehicle at a suitable location. After installing this circuit, you can easily track your stolen vehicle  using  a  mobile  phone.

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« Reply #231 on: September 24, 2020, 04:33:32 16:33 »

GPS Clock Using Arduino (EFY May 2018)
Global positioning system (GPS) synchronised clocks give accurate  time.  These  clocks  are universal and commonly used at railway stations, bus stands and airports. These  are  widely  used  for  military purposes too. Here  we  describe  a  GPS  clock based on Arduino Uno R3—an AVR ATmega328-based  microcontroller board with six analogue inputs pins and 14 digital input/output (I/O) pins. The microcontroller has 32kB ISP flash memory, 2kB RAM and 1kB EEPROM. The board provides serial ommunication via UART, SPI and I2C.

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« Reply #232 on: October 09, 2020, 10:09:04 10:09 »

Touchscreen and GLCD Based Home Automation (EFY May 2018)
This project controls home electrical appliances  using  a  touchscreen  input  device. The  system  comprises  two  relays  for controlling a bulb and a fan as an example. The touchscreen placed on a graphical LCD acts as a control panel for sending control commands through a pair of wireless radio frequency (RF) communication modules. The touchscreen panel on the transmitter side interfaced to a microcontroller sends on/off commands to the receiver where the loads/appliances are connected. By touching the specified portion on the touchscreen panel,  the  loads  are  turned  on/off  remotely through the wireless RF modules.

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« Reply #233 on: October 18, 2020, 07:55:36 19:55 »

WIRELESS LCD DISPLAY Via Bluetooth (EFY May 2018)
This wireless LCD display shows information sent from a smart phone. The user can send text messages with up to 32 alphanumeric characters to the LCD within Bluetooth range of about 10 metres. This project can be extended and implemented in many ways for:
1.  Educational  organisations (schools and colleges). To inform any changes in the timetable or important information
2. Hospitals. To inform a doctor’s name and her or his department
3.  Restaurants.  To  inform  the kitchen staff
4.  Offices.  To  inform  the  status (busy, available, out of the office, etc) of the boss inside the office

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« Reply #234 on: October 19, 2020, 08:17:58 08:17 »

This IR Remote Can Control Up To Eight Devices (EFY May 2020)
This project based on an 8-bit ATmega328P microcontroller (MCU) can control up to eight devices connected to its electromagnetic relays. The article also describes how to program an MCU to accept infrared (IR) remote control signals for controlling the relays.
Here, an ordinary TV remote control is used along with the 28-pin ATmega328P MCU in DIL package
and Arduino bootloader to control the devices.

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« Last Edit: October 19, 2020, 10:53:20 10:53 by mitsos » Logged
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« Reply #235 on: October 29, 2020, 05:32:07 17:32 »

Touchscreen And GLCD Based HOME AUTOMATION (EFY May 2018)
This project controls home electrical appliances  using  a  touchscreen  input  device. The  system  comprises  two  relays  for controlling a bulb and a fan as an example. The touchscreen placed on a graphical LCD acts as a control panel for sending control commands through a pair of wireless radio frequency (RF) communication modules. The touchscreen panel on the transmitter side interfaced to a microcontroller sends on/off commands to the receiver where the loads/appliances are connected. By touching the specified portion on the touchscreen panel,  the  loads  are  turned  on/off  remotely through the wireless RF modules.

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