How To: Post
Using all uppercase letters isn't nice, because it means shout in internet language.
Nobody wants yelled at their face, so please don't do that.
It has been
Noted some people are posting Cracks in Attacments,
This Will Get you Muted. did you Not Read the warning when Post was made.
If you post any piece of code, you should use the code tag
(Otherwise system shapes your post (smiley, uppercase, link...)
and code will be broken.
If you abuse the rules to increase post count (useless post, double post, indirect links..) you will get punished.
URL Notation: Correct (enter website address, system will convert it to link) Post links that avoid this rule and you will get a warning or muted.Not Correct (Don't post any message like this, or you will get
Muted )
Also don't post links in code tag
see following for more