at first, I want to say , I do not want to do advertising for willar.this progammer is half open source, it has two version, the enhanced version only post with chip.
I bought one product and they presented to me a enhanced version programer. I also don't know how to read out the firmware (if someone teach me, I'm glad to do it!
though the web page is chinese, but the software is english/chinese optional. and you can use google translate the website.
It can download from here:, it include usb driver for PL-2303, and other files.
the file list:
SP200S_V1.26.pdf SP200S schematic
SP200S_V100.hex lite version firmware(the enhanced version no firemware provide, only post chip with DIY kit)
WLPRO_V220Beta_SETUP.exe programmer software(simple chinese/english version)
PL-2303 Driver Installer.exe USB driver(apply to win98se/2000/xp system)
SP200S Vista Driver Installer.exe USB driver(apply to vista system)
SP200S_BOM_V106.pdf SP200S programmer kit's part list.
SP200S_List.htm SP200S programmer(lite version)device support list.
SP200SE_List.htm SP200S programmer (enhanced version) device support list.
Best Reguards.