
Electronics => General Electronics => Topic started by: free on February 01, 2008, 01:59:36 01:59

Title: Help for printer programming reference
Post by: free on February 01, 2008, 01:59:36 01:59
I am looking for esc/pos application programming guide (APG) reference for epson TM series printer.
I want to connect the printer to PIC directly.
Can you help me please ?

Title: Re: Help for printer programming reference
Post by: fernandodiaz on February 01, 2008, 03:05:55 03:05
You can use serial port and is very easy, the communication between pic and printer
the parallel port is more tedious and usb is very dificult.
read page 42  codes command and ascii

you can use protonplus or picbasic
define speed desired  read manual proton plus samples in rsout communication
use resistor 1k between pin pic and pin rx printer and commun boot sides

use rsout  <command>  , < characters to print> , 10,13

rsout  <command>  , < characters to print> , 10,13
rsout  <command>  , < characters to print> , 10,13
rsout  <command>  , < characters to print> , 10,13
rsout  <command>  , < characters to print> , 10,13
and you need read the manual (RFM)  ;D user  to see commands.

Title: Re: Help for printer programming reference
Post by: free on February 01, 2008, 11:40:26 23:40
Thanks for your help fernandodiaz,
I have already tried with epson LX800 via serial port. It's working fine.
The problem, some esc/pos command in LX and TM series are diference, I don't know what the commands are.
Is POSjet1000 compatible ( in command) with epson TM series?

Title: Re: Help for printer programming reference
Post by: Rick101 on February 02, 2008, 01:42:02 01:42
I think this can help you:
POS Printer Control Code (