
Electronics => Hardware and Tools => Topic started by: arash_tah on August 27, 2008, 08:15:40 08:15

Title: Interface of PIC18F4550 to computer via USB
Post by: arash_tah on August 27, 2008, 08:15:40 08:15
Hi everybody
As we know PIC18F4550 is one of the products of microchip whith the facility of usb interface
Who has worked with this chip and who has the experiance of using this chip?
Does CCS or Mikroc have the modules for using it and programming its usb module?

Title: Re: Interface of PIC18F4550 to computer via USB
Post by: mbandala on August 27, 2008, 09:53:55 09:53
It is easier that you think. Just check this Elektor article. Everything you need to get you started is there.

Title: Re: Interface of PIC18F4550 to computer via USB
Post by: samir on August 27, 2008, 10:45:46 10:45
I don't know about CCS.But microchip ICD2(& clone) support it.But i have personally have some bad experience regarding this chip.I have problem that in BUS powered state internal flash get corrupted whine inserting device.Same problem people have disscused on EDA board.Better you try new product of microchip(OTG devices)

Title: Re: Interface of PIC18F4550 to computer via USB
Post by: j0k3r on August 27, 2008, 11:16:05 11:16
I´m using the pic18f4550 and the pi18f2550 on several projects, and all then applied on field ,without any troubles.
Using the CCS it´s very simple to build a project regarding the USB on CDC,HID or USB bulk device, with the possibilite of make a USB bootloader, and like is says "(and if you are developing a USB application, this will hold it's own USB code)."

Until now i don´t have any problems regarding this chip(s).

I have problem that in BUS powered state internal flash get corrupted whine inserting device
About this problem like Samir says, if we use the BROWNOUT fuse, it could resolve the problem.


Title: Re: Interface of PIC18F4550 to computer via USB
Post by: arash_tah on September 01, 2008, 04:19:09 16:19
Hi Jok3r
I am biginear in this area "CDC,HID or USB bulk device" what ere these could u please explain more I have no experiance of using usb

Title: Re: Interface of PIC18F4550 to computer via USB
Post by: lillbear on September 01, 2008, 06:29:29 18:29
Try...UBW links here (

oh and check this collected here somewhere... SIXCA - USB Data acquisition with PIC18F4550 (


Title: Re: Interface of PIC18F4550 to computer via USB
Post by: j0k3r on September 01, 2008, 08:34:29 20:34

To start, i will post the link´s that´s is more relevant with examples, projects, and self explanation articles, on that you are looking for.
One link with many collections is on the forum of microchip: (
They have links to all aspects covering USB with pic´s.

To learn more deeper USB: (
with special attention on: USB Complete: Everything You Need to Develop Custom USB Peripherals
You have this ebook in the house:

If you have any doubts ......

Note: HID, CDC, BULK are "protocols", but on the links above you have a detail explanation on this, better that i can explain.

EDITED: If you have the CCS, look in the example folder, they have the CDC example, HID and a BULK example.

Title: Re: Interface of PIC18F4550 to computer via USB
Post by: pickit2 on September 01, 2008, 09:12:41 21:12
this may help someone.